the results of the legislative elections endorsed by the Constitutional Court

the results of the legislative elections endorsed by the Constitutional

The Constitutional Court, judge of electoral disputes, rejected on Sunday August 15 the 30 appeals for annulment of the legislative elections of July 10 and 31. These decisions being irrevocable, the elections are definitively validated. The Congolese Labor Party (PCT) of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso emerged largely victorious with 111 seats out of the 151 in the National Assembly.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

After the public hearing which lasted three days, Auguste Iloki, the President of the Constitutional Court, began reading the deliberations with the case between the independent candidate, Andréa Carole Sassou-Nguesso, and Nicolas Malonga, of the UDH – Yuki. The daughter of the Head of State, who accused her opponent of fraud, was dismissed for lack of substantiated evidence, like the other 29 applicantsaccording to the Court, which must notify its decisions to the plaintiffs, but also to the presidents of the Senate and the National Assembly.

Having defended 21 candidates whose victory has been confirmed, Me Emmanuel Oko came out satisfied with the hearing: “ I believe that the arguments that all the parties have given could only give rise to this verdict. I think the Court is fair. I honestly think the work is legal. »

Richard Ossa, who lost in a North West constituency, bows to the Court’s decision: ” In all of this, it is the people who win or it is the people who lose. I would have to teach a lesson and educate other politicians by telling them that this is what democracy is all about. »

After the validation of the final results of the legislative elections, the National Assembly will, in a short time, proceed to the composition of its new office.

► To read also: Congo-B.: the Congolese Labor Party wins the legislative elections with 111 deputies
