The results are incredible: Potatoes turned out innocent! Insulin resistance improved, weight loss accelerated

The results are incredible Potatoes turned out innocent Insulin resistance

A new study suggests that eating potatoes can aid weight loss, contrary to popular belief. One study found that potatoes are actually packed with important nutrients and can be part of a healthy diet.

While those who want to lose weight have been told to avoid carbohydrate-heavy foods and starchy staple foods, as they are linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, new findings show they do not actually increase this risk. It has been found that people tend to feel full after consuming a certain amount of food, regardless of its calorie content.

According to US researchers, those who add carbohydrates rich and potatoes to their plate will feel full faster and therefore prevent them from trying to fill their stomachs with more caloric foods.

The researchers also underlined that the cooking and preparation method of the potato is important and that chips or fried potatoes should be avoided as they reduce the nutritional value of the fries.


Potato eaters lost an average of 5.8 kg, while those who ate beans lost 4 kg. In addition, an improvement in insulin resistance was observed in both groups. Professor Candida Rebello, co-researcher of the study, of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana: “Contrary to popular belief, we have shown that potatoes do not adversely affect blood sugar.” made the statement.


The study’s principal investigator, Dr. John Kirwan added: “Obesity is an incredibly complex disease that we fight on three different fronts. These new data on the impact of potatoes on our metabolism have made an exciting contribution to the issue we have to do just that.”
