The result of the research surprised everyone! This fruit destroys cancer cells

The result of the research surprised everyone This fruit destroys

Despite ongoing treatment efforts to combat cancer, this disease remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Various treatments, including chemotherapy, are improving survival rates. In animal studies on this subject, he detected the fruit that creates a drug effect against cancer cells. Studies suggest that graviola fruit, also known as cinnamon apple, may slow the spread of the disease.


Other research suggests it may improve the performance of traditional therapies or selectively kill a few cancer cells. However, doctors have recommended that it not be used to prevent cancer due to the lack of research in humans. Also known as soursop, graviola comes from the trees of rainforests in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, where it is widely consumed.


According to WebMD: “Soursop is high in vitamin C and antioxidants known to boost immune health.” Studies show that it strengthens the immune system by improving the ability to defend against pathogens and promoting the elimination of free radicals.

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Some studies have examined the effects of the fruit on cancer, suggesting that it may help selectively kill malignant cells. Constantino Mazzanobile cited research showing that Graviola’s effects on cancer aren’t just compared to Adriamycin, but clearly outperformed it in lab studies.


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Research published in the Journal of Natural Products suggested that two compounds extracted from the seeds showed comparable effects to Adriamycin, a drug commonly used in chemotherapy. “A compound in the plant selectively destroyed cancerous cells of the colon with a potency 10,000 times higher than adriamycin,” Mazzanobile said.

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“Researchers at Purdue University found that extracts of Graviola leaves eliminated cancer cells in at least six types of cancer and were particularly effective against prostate cancer and pancreatitis cells.” Other laboratory studies have shown that Graviola extracts can kill some liver cancer cells.


Animal studies have also shown that the pulp extract has an effect on prostate cancer cells in mice, the cells that have been found to be most resistant to chemotherapy drugs. However, there appears to be a lack of evidence to support the use of the fruit extract to treat or fend off cancer in humans. This means that there is not enough information regarding the efficacy and safety of the fruit.

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However, side effects reported in connection with the fruit worry scientists, and some studies suggest that chemicals in the fruit may cause nerve changes and movement disorders.


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  • Cinnamon apple, thanks to its strong antioxidant properties, keeps toxins away from the body and strengthens the immune system.
  • Thanks to this feature, it protects us from many diseases, especially winter diseases such as flu and cold.
  • It gives energy to the body, makes us feel more energetic and fit. With this feature, it is also known as a fatigue reliever.
  • It enables the intestines to perform their functions in a healthy way, and ensures that ailments such as diarrhea pass quickly.
  • It also provides rapid healing of inflammations in the body, and because of this benefit, it is said that those who suffer from sore throat due to winter diseases can consume it.
  • When the leaves of the cinnamon apple tree are consumed as tea, they have a blood pressure balancing effect.
