The restaurateur on concerns about the recession: “I have to lay off staff”

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Just over five thousand Swedish entrepreneurs have answered questions about how they think their own investments, the number of employees and sales will look like in 12 months. The results paint a gloomy picture, the companies are pessimistic about the development and an increasingly large proportion respond that they think the numbers are lower than today if you look a year ahead.

Have to lay off staff

The restaurateur Ulf Steringer, who runs a restaurant in Sundsvall, is not surprised by the figures produced by the Swedish business organization, which show a pessimistic attitude towards the development of companies in Sweden in the coming year.

– After the turn of the year, I have to lay off around 20 percent of the staff, he says.

High costs

It is above all the high costs that cause it. In the restaurant industry, the prices of certain foods have become a heavy burden.

– Dairy products have become expensive, most people have probably noticed that, he notes.

The curve points downwards

Historically, in the 2000s, pessimism was greatest during the pandemic, then companies recovered, but now the curve has once again turned downwards.

“Reduce employer contributions”

Ulf Steringer has had difficulty finding staff after the pandemic and thinks that the government should lower employer contributions. He believes that in this situation it would be good for both employers and employees.

– Now we have to bring in new people who we have to train and we don’t get paid for that, he says and points out the importance of also being able to hire staff who may not have experience in the restaurant job.
