The rescue service on the explosive fire outside Falun: “I would almost describe it as a war zone”

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He continues:

– We will have to keep the area cordoned off for at least 24 hours. I would almost describe it as a war zone. There is a lot of rubbish thrown around in the area, says Johan Nordin, operations leader.

It is about an area of ​​300 meters around the place sok is cordoned off. At this time, it is not known that anyone has been injured.

– We have no information on casualties. We met everyone who worked in this industry when we got here today and they were evacuated and were fine, says Johan Nordin.

Is the air here dangerous to breathe?

– The gas that is here is mainly LPG and it burns up when it has exploded, so no, there is no major danger with the smoke, concludes Johan Nordin.
