the Republican Guard implicated in the spoliation of private land

the Republican Guard implicated in the spoliation of private land

The African Association for the Defense of Human Rights (ASADHO) is raising its voice in the Democratic Republic of Congo and accusing President Félix Tshisekedi of remaining silent in the face of illegal acts by the Republican Guard.

It was during a press conference hosted by Maitre Jean-Claude Katende, president of ASADHO, who denounced the spoliation of 303 lands legally acquired in the Kindobo district, in Kinshasa, since December 2020. Several months later, elements of the Republican Guard came to destroy the buildings, loot and take building materials and other goods, said Claude Katende before pointing out that the plots were allocated to other people who are protected by the Republican Guard .

ASADHO asks the President of the Republic and the Minister of Land Affairs to enforce the law.

If it were the police who were deployed on these sites, we would understand that, but the Republican Guard, the very one who is the guarantor of the institutions, is totally unacceptable. This is why we are asking President Félix Tshisekedi to take all necessary measures to ensure that this site is cleared of all elements of the Republican Guard and that the site is returned to the victims who are present here. And, in the event that the President of the Republic or the government decides to expropriate the victims, it is clear that there are laws in this country which organize this procedure. We would like this procedure to be respected, by involving the victims, and that compensation be granted to them before any displacement. We would also like buyers who have been victims of acts of looting of their property or vandalism to be able to have their rights restored. »

Read also: DRC: Asadho calls for an investigation after the “Evening” revelations
