The reporter on the fatal shooting: “Passed yet another line”

The police are investigating a suspected murder of a woman in her 60s in the Gränby district of Uppsala on the night of Thursday. According to TV4 News, the woman who was shot dead is the mother of a man who is said to be high up in the criminal network Foxtrot, which is led by the “Kurdish fox” Rawa Majid. The case is unique, according to TV4’s crime reporter. – In the last 20 years, as far as I can remember, this has not been seen before. That a woman of this age is shot dead, almost an execution, in this way linked to gang crime. It is very unique. A line has been crossed Recently, acts of violence against relatives of gang criminals have become increasingly common. But shooting someone’s mother to death means that a line has been crossed, says Therese Cedergren. – Many of the gang criminals I have met in my job – the mothers there are very special. You have special ties to your mothers – mothers are like saints. When you shoot a mother dead like this, you want to mark something. They want to set an example that “this is how it can go if you argue with the wrong person”, she says. Internal conflict The police are working on the theory that it is an internal conflict in the Foxtrot network. – Here there has been a kind of split or fight between the gang leader who is under the “Kurdish fox”, Rawa Majid. We don’t know what it is at the moment. The police now fear an escalation of the conflict situation and that more gang acts may take place, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna. – The mother has been shot dead. And here you want to mark that you have taken the mother.
