the reporter and the suspect

the reporter and the suspect

The trial of the attack on rue Copernic, which killed four people and injured dozens on October 3, 1980, continues, in the absence of the only accused, the Lebanese-Canadian Hassan Diab, who claims his innocence. This Wednesday, April 5, the court notably heard Jean Chichizola from Figaro. The only journalist to have met and interviewed Hassan Diab in Canada at the end of 2007, before his indictment, he is accused of bias by the defense.

Hearing report Laura Martel

In the fall of 2007, Jean Chichizola learns that a suspect has been identified: armed with a name -Hassan Diab- and the address of the university where he teaches, he jumps on a plane for Ottawa. In the small amphitheater, he attends the course given in English by the sociologist. The first thing that strikes him is “ that Hassan Diab very strongly resembles the sketch of the suspect, it is quite striking “, underlines the journalist. Other point “ disturbing » he said, « I inform him that he is suspected of terrorism, he tells me that he is totally surprised, but does not seem to be… he is cold, controlled, asks no questions. »

Hassan Diab then told him, as transcribed in the Figaro of October 24, that he is the victim of a homonymy – Diab being a common name in Lebanon -, that he has never belonged to any organization whatsoever and that he is ready to explain himself in a legal context.

Hassan Diab has not yet been indicted and you write ‘the commando leader lives peacefully in Canada’, unconditional, what about the presumption of innocence? », attacks Me Bourdon who cites other formulations which seem biased to him.

I made the effort to go see him (…) and that day, he did not convince me », replies the witness, who denies being « on crusade against the accused.

The tone rises, the president calls for calm. ” In the end, you are well in your boots »? sneers William Bourdon. “ Absolutely… there are 3 hypothesesrecalls the journalist: homonymy, innocence and the third… that he is guilty! he asserts. The lawyer’s scathing conclusion: ” Everyone expected you to say that! »

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