The rent is increased by an average of 4.25 percent for around 75,000 households in Gothenburg

AB Framtiden’s subsidiaries Bostadsbolaget, Familjebostäder, Gårdstensbostäder and Poseidon began the negotiations by demanding a 6.8 percent increase from March 1. The parties have now reached a local agreement. It means an average increase in public utility rents of 4.25 percent.

– We are very disappointed that the municipal companies have demanded such a high rent increase and have not taken greater responsibility in the difficult economic situation that is now affecting many households, says Sofi Bringsoniou, head of negotiations at the Tenants’ Association region Western Sweden in a press release.

Have to pay the increase retroactively

The agreement for 2023 affects everyone who lives with the Framtiden Group’s company Poseidon, Bostadsbolaget, Familjebostäder and Gårdstensbostäder. The tenants will have to pay the rent increase for May and June retroactively.

The sum is distributed over the entire period from July to December, Framtiden Group informs in its press release.
