the renewed tension in the North raises fears for the worst

the renewed tension in the North raises fears for the

This week, northern Mali was the scene of clashes between the Malian army and armed groups. On Tuesday September 12, the Permanent Strategic Framework (CSP), an alliance of armed groups, led an offensive against the garrison town of Bourem, an attack that the Malian army claims to have repelled. The offensive left dozens dead.

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Alongside this attack on the Permanent Strategic Framework, the Jnim has claimed responsibility for several attacks against army positions and against a passenger transport boat on the Niger River, a renewed tension which raises fears of the worst. How then can we explain this escalation between the Tuareg separatists and the Malian military authorities?

Conjunction of events

Contacted by RFI, Guillaume Soto-Mayor, associate researcher at the Middle East Institute and specialist in security and political issues in sub-Saharan Africa, points to a conjunction of events.

“The first, obviouslyhe said, this is the very problem of the defects, I would tell you, inherited from the Algiers agreement and also from a certain number of peace processes which were carried out by actors, on the regional and especially national level, who did not succeed. »

Trust » lost

And so, in reality, we are in situations in which the actors no longer trust each other, in which there are also a certain number of very important political-criminal issues and of course very important security and humanitarian issues which have helped to highlight the tensions between communities and between personalities. And I will of course add to that, the next element which was the inflammatory element of the current situation: the withdrawal of Misnuma from Mali”concludes Guillaume Soto-Mayor.

Read alsoMali: ex-CMA rebels and the army clash in Bourem, in the north
