The remarkable claim about the controversial visit: Postponed, can be canceled

The remarkable claim about the controversial visit Postponed can be

NBC’s news, citing US officials, claimed that “the US President’s planned visits to Saudi Arabia and Israel this month have been postponed to July.”

It was stated in the news that the officials are working on a trip to the region for the summit between the Gulf Cooperation Organization (GCC) and the USA, Israel and Jordan, and the dates are not yet clear.

On the other hand, a foreign diplomat and two US officials allegedly told NBC that Biden’s Middle East trip to Saudi Arabia could be cancelled.


White House officials had told the US media that Biden would visit Saudi Arabia at the end of June.

Biden’s plan to visit Saudi Arabia caused controversy in Washington.

Biden promised in the 2020 presidential race that he would treat this country as a “pariah” because of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul.

The CIA concluded in 2018 that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of Khashoggi. (AA)
