The release is just around the corner – that’s what the first voices say

In a few days the time has finally come: Sanctuary opens its doors again with Diablo 4. But a select few were allowed to dive into the monster slaughter in advance. We at MeinMMO summarize the first voices for you.

Who are the opinions from? MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus, as well as the colleagues from GameStar, GameStar Tech and GamePro were allowed to play Diablo 4 for 10 days in advance. In addition, we picked up some international voices.

It was already clear in advance that Diablo 4 will be of enormous importance for both Blizzard and the Hack’n’Slays genre. The first allusion reports give hope that it can live up to this responsibility.

For some extra hype until release, take a look at the new trailer:

Diablo 4 Heats Up Release With New Trailer – Shows how good druids and necromancers look in live action

More videos

Go to the Diablo 2 page, there is a new king

What are the first votes? Our pre-testers seem to be pretty much in agreement: Hooray, Diablo (and somehow Blizzard too) are finally really good again!

  • GamePro’s Kevin Itzinger gave the almost perfect 94 points: “What excites me the most is how Blizzard managed to find the perfect sweet spot in the genre without making any compromises. If I just want to turn on the console in the evening, slaughter through hordes of monsters and not think forever about whether the armor I’ve just found is actually of any noticeable use, I can do that without any problems.

    But if I want to go really deep into the systems and tickle every little percentage of strength out of my character while raging through dungeons that demand everything from me, I can do that from level 50 at the latest, in the higher world tiers and in the endgame do the same. No matter how I feel at the moment, the game gives me freedom of choice. Both experiences work really well and are a lot of fun.”

  • Our own editor Benedict Grothaus praises the dark mood and the MMO aspects: “All in all I put about 30 to 40 hours into the test. I don’t know exactly how much it was, because every now and then… the sense of time got a little lost. At the end of my test, I’m convinced that Diablo 4 will be worth at least 70 or 80 euros per hour.”
  • For Peter Bathge from GameStar, the endgame and the monetization decide on the final rating, there are 85-95 points in advance and a lot of praise: “Never before has Diablo had so much story, so much atmosphere and such breaking good gameplay. For me it finally replaces the second part in this respect: Diablo 4 will have to be measured against every other action role-playing game for years to come.”
  • Stephan from the GameStar special issue never wants to go back: “The endgame meshes very well. Bounties, nightmare dungeons, the paragon board, and even PvP all tie seamlessly into the open world. Each item has a meaning to the builds, and each class has its own unique feel, allowing you to spend hours fine-tuning your character. I can’t imagine going back to the previous parts.”
  • Sören Diederich from GameStar Tech makes it short and sweet: “Finally a technically clean PC version right at the launch! Diablo 4 runs smoothly, doesn’t cause any problems and scales so well that it still looks good and runs well on older computers.”
  • IGN didn’t want to put the game down, but gave deductions for the story: “Diablo 4 follows a strategy of refining things that the series has already done so well, rather than fundamentally overhauling them, and in this careful and reverent way has made this massive sequel one of the most polished ARPGs ever created, making chopping up the Legions of the Damned a hell of a lot of fun.”
  • Forbes sees Diablo 4 as combining the best of both predecessors and awards 9 out of 10 points: “My impressions are overwhelmingly positive, based on what I’ve experienced so far, from the map to the gameplay to the new systems and even of the plot, which I did not expect. Blizzard really seems to have gotten everything right, and I’d say the only way it will fare badly at launch is if technical issues stop players being able to play.”
  • So everyone agrees that Diablo 4 plays really well and is a lot of fun. There is only reluctance with regard to monetization, which also worries many fans. Since the shop was not yet implemented in the preliminary test, there can be no final all-clear on this.

    You can find the detailed test report by MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus, including all the pros and cons, here. In it he also addresses the most pressing questions many players have: How much Pay2Win will there be in Diablo 4 and is it really an MMO?

    Diablo 4 after 30 hours of testing: Purists will hate it because it’s too much of an MMO – But I love it
