the relatives of the author of the attack at the bar

We are forgotten greats the trial of the Nice attack

At the trial of the Nice attack, the special assize court of Paris is looking this week at the profile and the course of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who killed 86 people and injured hundreds of others at the wheel of his heavy truck July 14, 2016. After the anti-terrorist investigators yesterday, his relatives were on the stand this Wednesday, October 27, in particular his parents, who had not seen their son since 2012, but came from Tunisia to try to shed light on the situation. court on his youth.

With our special correspondent at the Paris courthouse, Laura Martel

For a week, the special assize court in Paris tries to identify the personality of Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, this Nice citizen of Tunisian nationality, who had 86 dead and over 400 injured.

We apologize to the French people. 86 dead, it’s a war toll, I condemn it “Begins the father of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who, at the helm, is still looking for an explanation for his son’s crime:” I don’t know if he had taken drugs, had no mental awareness or was pushed into it “. The farmer, who admits having hit his children, describes a teenager odd », « brutal », intolerant of frustration. One day, he locks his family in chains, another, he smashes doors and windows. The father takes him to the shrink, but the young man of 19 stops the prescribed anxiolytics, refuses to return to consult.

To listen also: Nice attack: words of victims

With us, continues the witness, we are practicing Muslims, but not fanatics. My son has never prayed. He drinks, sings and dances “. The president then questions him about his incarceration on suspicion of Islamist activities. ” Under Ben Ali in 1991, you could be denounced for a beard », sweeps the farmer. ” Are you for Sharia? », « No, everyone does what they want responds the witness.

Awkward jumble of questions

But the civil party lawyers then embark on an uncomfortable jumble of questions about homosexuality, polygamy or the Koranic school that his son attended. ” We are not here to judge Mr. or his religious practice must remind the president. Between emotion and helplessness, the mother of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel confides that the idea that he is the author of the killing ” can’t get into (his) head “. ” You know your son is dead, he killed 86 people “, insists a lawyer. ” Do you expect from this trial another truth than that of your son perpetrating the attack? “, raises another. ” I wish “, she breathes head down.

To listen also: “We are forgotten greats”: the trial of the Nice attack seen by the civil parties
