the registration phase starts soon… Calendar and instructions

the registration phase starts soon Calendar and instructions

COURSEUP. The post-baccalaureate orientation platform opens for registration in mid-January. We tell you more about the Parcoursup 2023 calendar, its instructions and its key stages.

[Mis à jour le 10 janvier 2023 à 15h52] The registration phase on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate orientation platform opens on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 and runs until March 9. Since December 20, high school students or students in reorientation can already consult the search engine of some 21,000 courses offered on the site. They have access to the prerequisites required by each course, the number of places available or even the contacts of the establishments.

What will change from January 18? It will be possible to register and therefore open a file, but also to formulate your wishes and write the cover letters to accompany each of them. More explanations on the procedure for formulating wishes as well as on the Parcoursup 2023 calendar.

  • December 20, 2022 : information phase, Parcoursup opens its web pages for consultation. You can consult the courses available in 2023, and find out about the expectations and admission conditions. This is also the time to refine your orientation project with your main teachers and/or orientation counsellors.
  • From January 18 to March 9, 2023 : it’s here registration phase on Parcoursup, with opening of the file and formulation of wishes. You must complete the various sections of the file (CV, cover letters, activities and areas of interest). Your main mission also: to express your wishes (after March 29, this is no longer possible). You can make a maximum of 10 wishes and 20 sub-wishes. This two-month period still gives you time to explore the training courses and refine your choices. As part of the Parcoursup procedure, it is not necessary to rank your wishes, but you have to justify them one by one by writing a cover letter for each one.
  • Until April 6, 2023 : confirmation of vows and finalization of the file. These few days of “bonus” are aimed at the final validation of wishes, but also the verification of your applications and their finalization, via the provision of all the supporting documents requested, as well as by a final touch to your letters of motivation !
  • From June 1 to July 13, 2023 : main intake phase, with response from establishments to Parcoursup candidates. You will then begin to know if the courses you are targeting have accepted your application, rejected it or put you on the waiting list. In order to reduce the stress on candidates, the main procedure (admission phase) also ends in mid-July instead of the beginning of September previously.
  • From June 15 to September 12, 2023 : additional admission phase, with entry of new wishes and proposals for admission. This phase is dedicated to those who have only received negative or unsatisfactory responses, or who have missed the mark of their registration. During this “second chance session”, candidates can apply for courses that still have places, with the same rules of the game as in the previous procedure, but in an accelerated version.
  • From July 1, 2023 : possibility for Parcoursup candidates to request personalized support from the commission for access to higher education (CAES) of their academy from their file.

If they are accepted while waiting for a place, students can monitor their progress on the waiting list on a day-to-day basis and assess the probability of being admitted to a course. You can only accept one admissions proposal at a time. It is possible to accept an admission proposal (so as not to be left with nothing) and to maintain the “pending” wish(s) that interest you at the same time.

It is indeed a yes, the student who has made this choice is accepted in the chosen training. But the student then agrees to follow a refresher course or courses adapted to his profile, from the start of the school year.

Once their degree in hand, many students find themselves on the floor in France. On September 15, 2022, the Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau therefore announced the launch, in February 2023, of a new national application platform for the first year of a master’s degree. In concrete terms, candidates will be able to apply for several masters via a single file. Registrations on the platform will take place in March, three months before the end of university licenses. Applications will be reviewed by institutions from early April to mid-June. From mid-June, proposals for admission will arrive at the successful applicants. They will then be able to accept the proposals or not, but cannot do so for two masters at the same time. From mid-July, a phase of redistribution of vacant places will start according to withdrawals. “This new platform is a one-stop shop that will just streamline the proposals, redistribute the places left vacant and register students earlier,” said the Minister of Higher Education.

La Fage, the leading student union in France, welcomed this new system positively while still criticizing some of its elements. According to Paul Mayaux, president of Fage, whose remarks were reported by Le Parisien on September 15: “We will be able to have in the same place all that exists as possibilities for students who will graduate. reduce the administrative burden on students during an often anxiety-provoking period and this will adjust the calendar.Today, too many students learn at the last moment, at the end of August, that they will have to move and find accommodation to do their returned to Bordeaux in September, for example, when they come from Nancy”. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, some 7,000 students seized their rectorate last summer because they had not found the desired outlet for a master’s degree.

The latest Parcoursup key figures date from the 2022 edition. Whether they were in final year or students in reorientation, candidates had the choice of some 19,500 training courses recognized by the State (among which many in learning). Each candidate had to list a maximum of 10 wishes (a multiple wish counting as a single wish, but consisting of sub-wishes, each corresponding to a separate establishment). What is the first Parcoursup 2022 assessment, now that the main admission phase has ended? The Snesup-FSU, the majority union among teachers, denounces the fact that more than 94,000 candidates have not received any admission offers (out of the 840,727 registered on the official dashboard). Asked by the JDD on July 16, Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau noted “real progress”: “Parcoursup has been improving continuously, year after year, for five years. Today, just over nine out of ten high school students received at least one proposal.”
