the recommendations of the Civil Society to better protect minors who are victims of incest

the recommendations of the Civil Society to better protect minors

The Commission on incest and sexual violence against children (Ciivise), publishes, this Thursday, March 31, 2022, its interim report in which it makes twenty recommendations to protect children. Recommendations from some 11,500 testimonies collected by this commission set up a year ago.

According to a survey carried out by Inserm in 2021, one in 10 adults has been the victim of sexual violence during his childhood. For the Ciivise, it is the whole ” chain of protectionn” which must be reinforced.

For the Commission, the urgency is to identify the current victims, because each year, 160,000 children suffer from sexual violence. ” You have to go get them “, estimates the Commission. We must not wait for them to come and ask for help, those on whom their attacker imposes silence.

Identify the existence of sexual violence in advance

All the institutions that take in children must therefore be mobilized. The teachers, the nurses, the doctors, the social workers or even the educators must be trained, in particular in the so-called technique of systematic tracking which the Ciivise recommends.

Every professional must ask children about the existence of sexual violence “, even in the absence of suggestive signs explains the report. Doctors have a particular role to play, according to the Ciivise, which asks that they have the obligation to report child victims of sexual violence to justice.

The importance of repairing victims through healing

On the criminal level, the Civiise wants victims to be able to appeal the entirety of a decision. Currently, they can only challenge the ” damages and interests but not about guilt or not as well as punishment.

Finally, these victims must be treated. A reparation that involves specific care in psychotrauma and financial compensation. And the Ciivise is also calling for the launch of a national prevention campaign.

To read: Incest and sexual violence against minors: victims testify in Lille
