the reasons for Bola Tinubu’s victory despite the crisis

the reasons for Bola Tinubus victory despite the crisis

In Nigeria, President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu reached out to his rivals and the youth in his first official statement. In the aftermath of this highly contested election, the opposition has preferred to remain silent for the time being, writes our correspondent in Lagos, Liza Fabbian.

Shortly after receiving the certificate confirming his election, Bola Tinubu and his vice-president Kashim Shettima went to pay tribute to the outgoing head of state, Muhammadu Buhari. The president-elect met his predecessor at his home in Katsina state, in the northwest of the country. Bola Tinubu, who was accompanied by several APC governors, lent himself to a new photo session, alongside Muhammadu Buhari.


While the two men display their union, the opposition is discreet. Neither Atiku Abubakar nor Peter Obi have spoken publicly so far. The two main opponents did not record their defeat, nor did they accept the victory of Bola Tinubu. During his first speech, the president-elect wanted to be a unifier and reached out to his rivals.

But they are still planning to take legal action to challenge the conduct of the presidential election – while already preparing for the gubernatorial elections, which will take place in less than ten days.
