The real reason why Blue Bloods ends after season 14 – the last episodes almost couldn’t have been filmed

The real reason why Blue Bloods ends after season 14

As it was recently announced, the upcoming 14th season of the crime series Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York will mark the finale of the series. Fans can look forward to 18 new episodes, which will be broadcast in two parts. However, the last Blue Bloods season almost couldn’t be filmed. It was only made possible through salary cuts.

Blue Bloods stars took pay cuts for final season

As the Hollywood Reporter reported, the 14th season of Blue Bloods was only commissioned by CBS after the biggest stars such as Tom Selleck and parts of the production team Salary cuts of 25 percent agreed. This was the only way hundreds of other people involved in the Blue Bloods production could continue to be employed. The reason for this was the developments of the Hollywood double strike, which also placed a heavy financial burden on many TV productions.

The first 10 episodes of the final season of the crime series start in the USA on February 16, 2024.

Where is Blue Bloods showing in Germany?

In this country the Blue Bloods at Kabel Eins broadcast. 11 seasons have been broadcast there so far. A broadcast date for the 12th season has not yet been set. If you prefer to watch Blue Bloods in one go without commercial breaks, you can stream seasons 1-12 with a subscription * on Sky’s streaming service WOW.

Podcast: Was NCIS destroyed by a dog bite?

7 years ago, a scandal rocked the crime series NCIS: The main actor’s dog bit a crew member. A years-long mud fight began.

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The incident started a chain of events that ended with one of the show’s most important stars leaving the series. In the podcast we explain what exactly happened between the bite and the exit.

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