The ravages of fires in Gironde seen from space

Fires in Gironde the extent of the damage seen from

Discover new satellite images, this time provided by Airbus, which show the extent of the damage caused by the fires in Gironde which are now extinguished.

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Each year, 15,000 hectares of vegetation go up in smoke in France. 90% of forest fires are human-caused, and one in two is the result of carelessness.

Triggered on Tuesday July 12 in the middle of the afternoon, two fires outsized devastated the Gironde forest at La Teste-de-Buch near the Dune of Pilat and near Landiras. More than 10 days will have been necessary to contain, fix and extinguish these fires fought by 1,300 firefighters, four Canadairs and two helicopters. In total, 20,800 hectares went up in smoke.

The fire between the Dune du Pilat and La Teste-de-Buch seen from space

Article of Remy Decourt published on 07/23/2020

Two new satellite images, provided by Planet, show us the extent of the damage caused by the fires which persist in Gironde.

In six days, the fires in Gironde burned some 19,300 hectares and destroyed more than 90% five campsites in Pilat, including that of Flots bleus known for having served as the setting for the three films of the saga ” Camping », between 2006 and 2016.

The fire in the Dune du Pilat seen from space

Article by Rémy Decourt published on 07/19/2022

Two “before and after” satellite images that show the extent of the progression of the fires ravaging the Gironde.

In matter of natural disasters, the summer of 2022 will go down in history for its unprecedented fires in modern history. These two “before and after” satellite images, acquired by the satellites of the constellation Planat sums up the situation well. In just a few days, they show the extent of the progression of the fires that have broken out in Gironde July 12.

As of July 18, 15,000 hectares of forest have burned in the two fires affecting the Gironde department. Among the destroyed buildings and equipment, these fires burnt down to more than 90% five campsites in Pilat, including that of Flots bleus known for having served as the setting for the three films of the saga ” Camping », between 2006 and 2016.

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