The ‘rapist police’ scandal at the world-famous beach! England is shaken by this event

The rapist police scandal at the world famous beach England is

The rape scandal continues on the beach of Brighton, in the south-east of England. After police officer Laurence Knight came to the beach on his day off and raped her, the police department he worked for took immediate action and fired Knight. Here are the details of the event…


Laurence Knight, 33, was charged with sexual assault while on leave on July 17 last year. Police said he was arrested on July 28 and was released on bail as investigations continue. Knight was sued and dismissed.

A spokesperson for Sussex Police said:

“Man, 33-year-old police officer Laurence Knight was arrested on suspicion of rape on 28 July and released on bail. He was summoned to Brighton Magistrates’ Court today, 23 June, to stand trial on rape charges. The officer was not on duty at the time of the reported crime.”


Pete Gardner, Chief Superintendent of Met Detention, said:

“We know the public will be rightly concerned about this very serious accusation against a police officer on duty. We certainly share this concern and am grateful to Sussex Police for their extensive investigation and continued expert support for the victim. The Met’s Professional Standards Directorate is fully aware of the incident and issues of misconduct will be addressed after the criminal proceedings are over. The officer was fired.”
