The rain is ruining everything this week, on this date the good weather will be stopped abruptly everywhere

The rain is ruining everything this week on this date

If beautiful days are expected this week, the rain will quickly and brutally fall throughout France.

While the All Saints’ Day holidays started this week and last week was marked by the Cévennes episode and its heavy rains, good weather returned to 3/4 of the country this Monday, October 21. However, rain will remain present in regions close to the English Channel. Brittany will also be affected by the disruption. Mildness will be expected everywhere with nearly twenty degrees this afternoon over a good part of the country.

According to The Weather Channelthis trend in temperatures will last several days: “Generally speaking, in the morning, we expect 7 to 15°C and between 18 and 23°C in the afternoon from north to south between Monday and Thursday for the maximum, values ​​2°C higher than seasonal norms.” For the weather, it will be another matter, it will be quite changeable even if beautiful days are forecast.

On Tuesday, in fact, the disturbance coming from the Channel will cross the country with fairly cloudy skies and some showers from the southwest to the east of the country. Conversely, an improvement will be noted in the afternoon in the northwest.


It’s finally Wednesday that the sun should shine, it will even be the most beautiful day of the week across the whole country. Thursday will also be sunny, except around the Mediterranean where humidity will begin to return. A disturbance will also arrive via Brittany in the evening.

This depression will quickly become widespread on Friday, starting on the Atlantic coast, then gradually extending with a return of rain almost everywhere. Total rainfall could exceed 50 to 70 mm in the south of the Massif Central, Provence, the lower Rhône valley and Languedoc. The weekend, marked by the time change, could also prove unstable, adding to this the return of coolness.

The week will therefore be divided in two, with a clear changeover on Friday throughout France. Forecasts which will not delight holidaymakers who were planning to set off at the end of the week. For the second week of the All Saints’ Day holidays, the forecasts are still too uncertain, however it seems that temperatures will continue to drop little by little until the end of the month and the beginning of November.
