the rag burns between Paris and Moscow

the rag burns between Paris and Moscow

Russia has decided to officially step up to the plate against Paris. On the table, the file of Western instructors in Ukraine, that of the Olympics and the suspicions of disinformation, particularly after the discovery of coffins near the Eiffel Tower. The Russian embassy and the Kremlin simultaneously communicated this Tuesday, June 4, in particular against the French media.

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From our correspondent in Moscow, Anissa El Jabri

Russia has not interfered and does not interfere in the internal affairs of France “. The assertion is from the Russian Embassy in France in a press release. Which adds “ our country has more important prioritiess”. The Russian embassy in France even goes so far as to “ express strong protest against a new Russophobic campaign launched in the French media “.

Around the same time in Moscow, the Kremlin spokesperson denied any disinformation campaign targeting the Olympics in Paris: “ All this only belongs to the category of messages which are basically just blind criticism without any argument. Unfortunately, we are faced with this more and more. This has nothing to do with reality, it is absolute slander and nothing more “.

Moscow is suspected of several acts of destabilization in France in recent months, including the recent placing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris of coffins bearing the inscription “French soldiers of Ukraine”. Three men suspected of being involved in this affair, a Bulgarian, a man born in Germany and a man born in Ukraine, were presented to a French judge on Monday June 3. The Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), managed by Microsoft, has implicated two Russian-influenced groups, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, accused of “ sow fear to dissuade spectators from attending the Olympic Games “. MTAC expects that these activities “ intensify » as the opening ceremony approaches.

None of the instructors who allegedly train the Ukrainian regime’s military have immunity »

The project of a European coalition of military instructors to train Ukrainian troops in Ukraine, desired by France, is still – at least officially – under discussion, in particular because many countries are wondering about its consequences vis-à-vis opposite Moscow. These doubts expressed out loud have obviously not escaped the Kremlin, which is trying to put pressure on the hesitant by threatening through the voice of its spokesperson Dimitri Peskov: “ None of the instructors who would train the Ukrainian regime’s military have immunity. It doesn’t matter whether they are French or not. We will continue the special operation in accordance with the goals and objectives formulated by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief “.

A week ago, it was Vladimir Putin himself who threatened, this time, the use of Western weapons on Russian territory. The Russian head of state had notably mentioned “ serious consequences “.

Read alsoCoffins at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: one of the authors linked to the “red hands” on the Shoah Memorial
