The race for World First is neck and neck between Echo and Liquid

The race for the world first kill in World of Warcraft is entering the hot phase. Several guilds have reached the final boss – and are slowly making progress.

A little over a week ago, the race for the world first kill of Queen Ansurek began in the mythical palace of the Nerub-ar. Even though there was again the usual discussion about the starting advantage of the US guilds, the whole thing has now developed into an exciting race. 4 guilds have now reached Queen Ansurek and have already made several hundred attempts. But everyone is still a long way from victory.

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This is the current status of the race: At the current time (September 27th, 2024, 11:15 a.m.) the ranking is this, broken down according to progress on the last boss, Queen Ansurek (via

  • Liquid (US) – 35.43% (238 attempts)
  • Echo (EU) – 47.77% (153 attempts)
  • Huoguo Hero (CN) – 63.69% (50 attempts)
  • Method (EU) – 64.27% (84 attempts)
  • Liquid therefore has a lead of almost 12% and has already seen Phase 3 of Queen Ansurek – something that the other guilds are still failing at.

    Behind them, at 6 / 8 bosses, are two Chinese guilds, namely Jitianhong and ZboX, both of which are still a long way from defeating the Seidenhof and therefore – at the moment – ​​play no role in the fight for first place. However, that could change if the race continues.

    With “only” 5 / 8 bosses there are other well-known sizes, such as Instant Dollars (US) or FatSharkYes (EU). Here, however, the field is already wider, as almost 20 guilds have now reached 5/8.

    How long does the race last? It’s difficult to say in advance. The races are often decided on a Tuesday or Wednesday because then there is “fresh loot” for the characters and the performance improves again. There are often buffs and hotfixes that improve individual classes.

    More than 35% of the boss is also a lot of HP that needs to be overcome in order to ultimately secure the kill.

    But the more practice and routine the professionals have, the further they progress in the fight. Echo in particular is about to enter the third phase of the boss fight and could soon close the gap to Liquid.

    The race for the world first kill is more exciting than it has been for a long time. The final battle will take place not just between two, but currently four guilds that are fighting for first place and will certainly keep us entertained for a few more days.
    In the World First Race, players push themselves to their limits – and sometimes exploits are used.
