the question of ecology absent from the campaign

the question of ecology absent from the campaign

A few days before the legislative elections in the United Kingdom, some Britons have already voted, by mail. The last debate took place this week. Immigration, taxation and public services dominated the campaign. One notable absentee: ecology, which has flown over the last five weeks.

1 min

With our correspondent in London, Emeline Vin

What proposals for an energy transition? This is the criterion for Sheldon, during these elections. “ I want to make sure that we protect the planet. There is no economy on a dead planet… I always have that in mind when I vote, even if my vote is useless, I am sending a signal », Explains the voter.

The electoral system disadvantages small parties, including the Greens, the only voice that speaks on ecology, Gay regrets. The Green Party has few elected representatives, and therefore little coverage… There has been controversy over the amounts that the Labour Party intends to invest, but the personality clashes between party leaders have overshadowed the real issues. “, he laments.

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An overview of environmental issues by the different parties

The Labour Party, which is expected to win this election, is sticking to its promise of a national renewable energy company and insulated homes… But political science professor Justin Fisher is not surprised by this oversight by the parties.

Environmental issues are very popular with voters in times of economic prosperity, but tend to disappear in times of economic hardship. “, decrypts Justin Fisher. “ That said, Labor and the Liberal Democrats’ proposals for economic planning take the environment into account. »

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According to YouGov pollsters, the environment is one of the top five priorities for Britons, behind the economy, health and immigration.
