the publication of the results of the legislative and provincial elections postponed

the publication of the results of the legislative and provincial

In the DRC, initially scheduled for this Wednesday, January 3, 2024, the publication of the provisional results of the elections for national and provincial deputies is postponed to a later date.

2 mins

Reason put forward by the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni): “the ongoing compilation of results”. A decision which does not surprise the Congolese government which mentions technical challenges for the electoral center. The explanations of Patrick Muyaya, government spokesperson, at the microphone of Pascal Mulegwa, RFI correspondent in Kinshasa.

We can already prejudge what we are talking about, because we are in a threshold election, whether at the national level, whether at the provincial level. There were suspicions, obviously, of fraud, but there were denunciations made at the level of the Céni, where there is a commission.

Plethora of candidates

Even we, at the government level, welcomed the idea for the Céni to do this cleaning. I think that this time must be used to deal with the different cases that have been observed. Where there was flagrantity, there is, in what I heard from the Ceni, the possibility of canceling certain ballots in certain areas.

Everything we are talking about here will not have any impact on the election of the president. Obviously, there are compilations in progress at the Céni level, but you know, we have to decide: how many deputy candidates were there? There were approximately 25,000, 32,000 at the provincial level, 49,000 at the municipal level. But it all got complicated, because you have to take the one, the one, the one from everyone and succeed in identifying the parties which will have reached the threshold at the national level, at the provincial level. Next, see how we allocate seats. There are undoubtedly geniuses working at the Céni, we hope that as soon as possible, they will publish the results. »

Also read our file:Elections in the DRC
