The public prosecutor’s alarm: More murders and rapes

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Now the Public Prosecutor’s Office is sounding the alarm.

In the next three years, resource-demanding crimes such as rape and murder will increase. That assessment is made by five authorities in the judicial system who have submitted a report to the government.

According to the report, the number of suspected crimes received by the Public Prosecutor’s Office is expected to increase by eight percent, from 30,800 to 33,400 by 2026. The report also shows more young people in criminal networks and more crimes against children.

– The most serious crimes require a lot of resources from the police, prosecutors, the courts, the Correctional Service and other actors in the justice system. At the Public Prosecutor’s Office, we have hired many more prosecutors in recent years so that in the future we will have enough experienced prosecutors who can work on investigating the most serious crimes, which are often both complex and difficult to investigate. We will continue the recruitment at a high rate to be able to meet the need, says Attorney General Petra Lundh in a press release.
