The public hospital facing the coronavirus

The public hospital facing the coronavirus

Faced with the rapid spread of the virus in France, will hospitals be able to cope? Several weeks after the start of the coronavirus epidemic, the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, fearing a possible “saturation” of hospitals. In Paris, the AP-HP, “never faced with a phenomenon of such extent”, according to its director Martin Hirsch, we were inspired by the year 2018, which experienced a major flu epidemic. On the front line, hundreds of healthcare workers first had to be removed from their hospitals as a precaution. , before the health reserve is called in for reinforcement. From mid-March, in the Grand Est, in tension in the face of the influx of patients, a field hospital for the army health service was one of the measures announced by Emmanuel Macron, while some patients in Mulhouse had already been evacuated by military aircraft.
