the PS validates the agreement with LFI, EELV and the PCF

the PS validates the agreement with LFI EELV and the

The National Council of the Socialist Party has largely approved, at 62%, the agreement reached with La France insoumise, the French Communist Party and Europe Ecology-The Greens in view of the legislative elections of next June. For the first time in 25 years, the left will approach these polls together.

About 300 members of the internal parliament of the PS were called upon to decide on the agreement reached with LFI, EELV and the PCF for the legislative elections, by videoconference or directly at the party’s headquarters. Voted in favor of this alliance: 167 members; against: 101; abstaining: 24; out of 292 voters.

It is therefore with a comfortable score of 62% that the rose party joins the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union, the Nupes. The debates will have been sometimes tense, this strategic reorientation not being suitable for everyone within the former dominant force of the left.

Now we’ll campaign together “, reacted Olivier Faure, leader of the party, at the end of this election. ” We are very proud to be able to carry the next fights of the next weeks, and to try to wake up the hope with them in our country, to allow an alternative. »

The first secretary of the PS, however, confirmed that this decision had ” it was not easy “. But it was taken, he added, in order to “ meet the expectation of gathering ” the French, “ but first of change, of social, ecological, democratic transformation », Estimates Olivier Faure.

We missed each other a lot and now I hope we will meet again.

A Nupes investiture event should take place on Saturday in Aubervilliers. Or the day of the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée. The troops of the latter themselves launched the legislative battle this Thursday in Paris, the president’s party changing its name in passing.

►Read also: LREM becomes “Renaissance”, within a confederation for the legislative elections

LFI, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement, came third in the first round of the presidential election with 22% of the vote. But the tribune aims to impose a cohabitation on the re-elected president, hence the development of this union with environmentalists, socialists and communists.

Seventy constituencies should be reserved for the Socialist Party, against a hundred for Europe Ecology-The Greens and fifty for the French Communist Party.

With agencies
