The PS plans to overthrow the government, Bayrou Impassible

The PS plans to overthrow the government Bayrou Impassible

The deputies examine two motions of censorship after the adoption of the budget by 49.3 this Wednesday, February 5. François Bayrou is almost guaranteed to resist, but he remains on an ejectable seat.

12:32 – Bayrou maintained with a “worse” budget than that of Barnier

François Bayrou is likely to stay in Matignon, despite the examination of two censorship motions this Thursday. However, some members of the opposition in particular rebellious and some ecologists agree that the budget adopted by 49.3 is “worse” that that which had presented and adopted Michel Barnier and for which he was censored. Others, as the PS evoke a “bad budget” but also improvements and small victories obtained by the camp compared to the budget of the former Prime Minister. The latter, heard by the National Assembly Commission of Inquiry on the Budget Spew also stressed that François Bayrou’s budget is close to his: “The budget presented by my government, which I still wanted And responsible, is today widely taken up by the new government in its budget bill for 2025 “.

12:06 – For Bayrou, the budget “marks the start of a deep state reform”

At the end of the Council of Ministers, government spokesperson Sophie Primas estimated that the budget adopted, the fruit of a “historic” agreement in the joint joint committee and negotiations, is only the beginning. “We cannot stop there: we had to act quickly. A country like ours could not remain without budget.” The minister also reported François Bayrou’s statements before her government at the ministerial meeting and the latter would have assured that the budget is “not an end in itself” but “is a beginning”: “He marks the start of a deep reform of the state “.

11:50 – PS senators call on the deputies of their camp “group discipline” on censorship

The PS, the party as the parliamentary group, assured that it will not vote for the motions of censorship examined this Wednesday. But during the first attempt aimed at censor François Bayrou in mid-January, the PS had made the same commitment and 8 of its deputies voted censorship, against the general opinion of the group. Feared that the same scenario is repeated, even if many socialist elected officials seem to follow the line of non-censorship, the president of the socialist group in the Senate Patrick Kanner called for this “group discipline [soit] total “on censorship on Public Senate.” This is a collective decision that has been clear and clear […] It is the left of responsibility and action, “he added to socialist deputies.

11:27 – LR welcomes the PS decision while deeming it “hypocrite”

“All those who are responsible must be welcomed,” said Vincent Jeanbrun, spokesperson for LC deputies on LCI this Thursday morning. A statement addressed to the PS in particular after his refusal to vote censorship, and perhaps the RN which has not yet decided but seems to be oriented towards a non-censure as well. Congratulations from the Republican, however, do not go further. On the contrary, the elected official has pointed out the reversal of the PS and a priori of the RN which had voted censorship against Michel Barnier in early December. “Obviously, better late than never. But the truth is that there is a form of hypocrisy to say: ‘Look, we are responsible, we have become serious again, while the budget is not better than the one that Michel Barnier had presented, “said the deputy.

11:05 – How the RN wants to spare the suspense for the next motions of censorship

The RN has not yet made known its position concerning the motions of censorship which will be examined this Wednesday, but the declarations of these elected officials coupled to those made by the president of the past in recent days suggest an abstention from the extreme right during the voting censorship. “There is no longer any stake,” said Sébastien Chenu on BFMTV, so why vote censorship and reveal his game? Because not voting censorship this Wednesday, does not mean that the RN will not support a next attempt to rely the government. Other censorship motions are coming, in particular for the examination of the social security budget, and with the spontaneous motion of the PS. The RN could then decide to censor François Bayrou. Especially since this Wednesday, his vice-president Sébastien Chenu accused the PS of having “bought” by the government considering that the same thing could not happen to his party.

10:49 – “There are no more challenges” to censorship recognizes the RN

With the PS decision not to vote the censorship motion against François Bayrou, “mass was said” according to the vice-president of the Party Sébastien Chenu. “There are no more challenges,” he insisted on the microphone of BFMTV, rightly since without the votes of a minimum of socialist deputies, at least twenty, the motion will not be able to overturn the government even if it is supported by far -right elected officials. judges the vice-president of the far-right party, censorship cannot be adopted without the voices of the PS. The lepenist deputy, in passing, accused the PS of having “been bought for cheap” by François Bayrou.

10:34 – LFI continues to campaign to censor Bayrou this Wednesday

The two LFI censorship motions should, unless surprised, end in failure without the support of the PS. However, the rebellious elected officials continue to support the idea of ​​a censorship of the Prime Minister and call in a last hope all the remaining opposition forces, namely the RN which has not yet stopped its decision and the PS which could have dissidents in its ranks, to vote on the motions on Thursday. “I call all the opponents to vote for censorship, so against the budget,” said Éric Coquerel on Europe 1/CNews This Wednesday morning. The deputy who is also the chairman of the assembly finance committee calls for “the general interest of the country” and maintains that the budget adopted is “a bad budget, recessive, of austerity, which always makes the part Beautiful to the richest, to very large companies, to the detriment of all those who work “.

10:07 – RN’s vote on censorship becomes anecdotal

This morning, the RN spokesperson Laure Lavalette, guest of TF1, considered that the position of her group on the motion of censorship was no longer very important. “The question is superfluous (…) The question will be decided in a group meeting but it no longer makes sense since in any case they could not bring down this government,” she admitted. Same story from the deputy RN Sébastien Chenu. “If there was not this question of context with very strong expectations, especially farmers, we would have censored this budget. […] We are not comfortable with this budget, it’s a bad budget.

09:45 – “The government can fall” says Boris Vallaud

The Socialist Party wishes the fall of the government. If this may seem difficult to follow, the president of the PS group in the Assembly explained this morning on France Info. “This budget will be hard,” he said and “it is forced” that he will not vote for censorship. “We had only one concern for the interest of the country and the defense of the French and the French who have only their work force to live,” he added, considering that the adoption of a bad budget is More desirable than no budget at all.

However, the socialists want the government to fall. Next week. “We want a budget for the country, we do not support this government.” And to add: “We want a left-wing government,” he said, defending the censorship motion which will be deposited by the socialists at the end of the week. Since Monday, young socialists have been more insistent on this point, with a visual of communication which points to their wish that the government will fall quickly. A visual that arouses a little misunderstanding or messages of anger from elected officials or LFI activists in particular.

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02/04/25 – 14:22 – “We need stability”: Macron congratulates parliament

“Parliament and the government are coming to an end I congratulate them. We need stability,” said Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, February 4, during a visit to the Cancer Gustave Roussy Cancer Center In Villejuif, the day after the adoption by 493 of the State budget 2025. Unless a censure motion obtains the majority during the vote on Wednesday, the budget will be actually adopted. However, in the absence of PS support, the text cannot succeed. Emmanuel Macron remains careful, “now, we must not go back. We need activity and wealth creation”.

02/04/25 – 13:45 – Olivier Faure wants to avoid “worse policy” by not censoring the budget

Olivier Faure returned to the PS’s decision not to censor the government on the vote of the budget in an interview with Liberation and on France Inter this morning. He assured that the members of the National Bureau have “talked a lot, much hesitated, because there is no benevolence towards this government” and that the choice not to reject the budget adopted by 49.3 by An “attachment to the general interest of the country: to provide France with a budget, to allow it to continue to work”.

“We have chosen not to support the government, but not to practice the worst policy,” he insisted that a censorship before the budget could have heavier consequences and lead a “prime minister more to Right which negotiates its own survival with the extreme right “in Matignon.

The motion of censorship must be voted by the absolute majority of the deputies present at the time of the vote, that is to say 289 votes if all the elected officials sit. The votes of the rebellious, environmentalists and communists bring the number of votes in favor of censorship to 126. If we add the 124 votes of the RN and the 16 votes of its ciotist allies, which are not assured, the supports Censorship go to 266 votes. Still not enough. But it would be enough that 23 of 66 socialist elected officials vote the motion to overthrow François Bayrou and his government. The future of the executive could therefore be played in a handful of votes. The PS and the management of the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Assembly spoke in favor of non-censure.

Another possible case – but improbable this February 5: if the PS attaches its votes to those of the NFP, the number of supports for censorship would pass to 192. Without the 140 votes of the extreme right, no motion of censorship can succeed. A detail that has not escaped Lepénist deputies as an elected official did Politico : “If there is no agreement with the PS, the spotlights will shine again on us!” He would not have escaped François Bayrou either according to a former macronist minister who considers to 20 minutes that the Prime Minister “now considers that the dynamics of censorship are more in the far right than to left”. However, by turning to the RN, François Bayrou risks committing “the same error as Michel Barnier” censored despite concessions to the far right.
