the protest is gaining momentum in Peru

the airport of the second city of the country invaded

Blocked roads, burning tires: the protest continues in Peru despite the proposal for early elections. Supporters of the president deposed last week, Pedro Castillo, continue to demonstrate across the country. A national strike call has been launched until Thursday by farmers and transporters. The Peruvian press takes a very severe look at this movement and comes back above all to the excesses. For Correoin One, it is ” a wave of vandalism which is sweeping across the country. The headquarters of television and radio stations in Lima were, among other things, hit by stone throwing. Ojo Publico writes that 21 journalists have been attacked since the beginning of the crisis by the police or supporters of Pedro Castillo, according to the National Association of Journalists of Peru. ” stop the violence », implores Peru.21 in his editorial. Pictures in support, the newspaper maintains that ” former terrorism detainees and leaders of Movadef, the political wing of the Shining Path [ancienne guérilla maoïste, ndlr] participate in these demonstrations and stir them up “. The newspaper concludes that a ” sinister hand shakes the cradle “.

On Monday, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia and Argentina expressed in a joint statement their ” deep concern regarding the fate of Pedro Castillo. So ” convoluted “Judges the Argentine daily Clarinthey demanded his restoration to power “. For El Comercioin Peru, these four countries “ ask Peruvians to turn a blind eye to a deliberate attempt to destroy democracy “. This press release testifies, at best, to a total disconnection from reality and, at worst, to gross manipulation “.

Brazil : attempted intrusion into the building of the federal police

Brazil was also affected by scenes of violence on Monday. In a few hours, the country’s capital experienced two extreme situations “, recount Correio Braziliensewhich juxtaposes photos of these two front-page news items and this title: “ Democracy yes, terrorism no “. In the evening, to protest against the arrest of a cacique at the head of a group of pro-Bolsonaro indigenous activists, ” protesters set fire to buses, cars and tried to invade the federal police building in the center of Brasília. O Globo publishes a long video on its site. A few hours earlier, President-elect Lula had ” was officially recognized by the electoral tribunals as the winner of the general elections of 30 october “. Security around his hotel has been reinforced, writes the Brazilian newspaper, which is concerned about the security protocol that will surround his inauguration on January 1.

Chile : agreement on a new Constituent Assembly

Direction Chile now, where three months after the rejection by the citizens of a first draft text, the Congress finally agreed on Monday to draft a new draft Constitution. ” It is the way in which this text will be drafted that has been the main stumbling block in the negotiations “, writing Emol. The Boric government finally accepted what the opposition demanded: fewer citizens and more experts. It will be a ” mixed process “, abstract The Tercera : “ 50 councilors elected by the citizens in April, but also 24 experts appointed by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate by the end of December. This committee of experts will be responsible for drafting a first text. The work of the Constituent Assembly will then last five months and the text will be submitted to referendum on 26 November.

London endorses UN resolution on Haiti

The UK joins the club of countries implementing the UN Security Council resolution on Haiti. It’s in one of news writer this Tuesday. London “ passed a law that endorses resolution 2653 “. She ” provides for a sanctions regime against those who threaten the peace in Haiti “. The people on the UN list are ” subject to financial sanctions, which include the freezing of their funds and/or economic resources », an arms embargo and travel bans. The law will come into force on December 28.

Global Argentina take on Croatia in the semi-finals

This Tuesday, Argentina faces Croatia in the semi-finals of the World Cup. ” Come on, we want more ! “, title Hoy. Four and a half years later, the national team faces one of its enemies again “, title Clarin. The defeat had been painful at the last World Cup. Croatia is a always complicated rival “, even if the Argentine daily believes that ” from Russia to Qatar (…) things have changed, especially on the blue and white side “.

For the Brazilians, on the other hand, things have not been going well since their elimination in the quarter-finals. Former Brazilian player Ronaldo says ” that the elimination of his country in Qatar shook him so much that he canceled his commitments “. In an interview at Folha de Sao Paulo, he advocates monitoring the mental health of players. Especially that of Neymar. Ronaldo also regrets the lack of psychological support during the World Cup. ” The coach has been criticized for not including psychologists in his delegation to Qatar “says the newspaper.
