The Prosecutor General visited Norrköping: “Complex investigations”

– It is a well -functioning business, but it is also a prosecutor’s chamber that has had challenges but many serious crimes, says state prosecutor Katarina Johansson Welin.

The Prosecutor General visits several chambers around the country, mainly to meet with employees and the management of each chamber.

– It is incredibly important for me as a national prosecutor to hear how you work, what needs exist and how the business works.

What do you bring with you?

– What I take with me from here is that there is a good collaboration with the police that gives results. I have also heard how to work with sexual crimes, men’s violence against women and the serious crimes, says Katarina Johansson Welin.

Record number of cases

Last year, 5,116 cases came in in Norrköping District Court. But the Prosecutor’s Office in Norrköping is part of the area team southeast, which includes several chambers and has access to resources from different directions, says the prosecutor.

– When there are serious crimes, it is often complicated and complex investigations that also require prosecutors with experience.
