The prosecutor: Committing crimes in Sweden is too profitable

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Prosecutor Daniel Larson calls Sweden a Silicon Valley for criminals and believes that it is no coincidence that crime has expanded here.

– We have a large shadow society and have had major problems with segregation and exclusion. So there has been a good workforce for organized crime, which has created the conditions for it to thrive in Sweden, he says.

“A criminal ecosystem”

But Daniel Larsson criticizes that too much focus is placed on gun violence, because he believes that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Instead of going after the people who shoot, you should invest in going deep into the organizations, to the decision makers. And then law enforcement needs to look different:

– I want more to go in depth and see the breadth of organized crime. And then perhaps you need completely different things than more police or chasing weapons and what you can see.

It needs to be done in order for us to deal with organized crime – hear in the player above.
