The prosecutor about the extensive child pornography charge in Karlstad

It is about a large material. Films totaling just over 30 hours that the Karlstad resident has filmed, edited together and distributed to at least five other people. The faces and bottoms of the minor children are the focus of the films. He himself looked at the pictures and masturbated at the same time.

– It is an extremely extensive material. The police have conducted a thorough and detailed investigation, says District Attorney Marcus Nyman.

The police have also found child pornographic images and videos, which constituted particularly reckless material, in the man’s computer.

Sundsvallsbo is charged with child pornography offences

The so-called resident of Sundsvall is involved in the same prosecution because he has filmed himself masturbating to child pornographic images and shared the material with the resident of Karlstad and other people.

When the trial will begin or how long it is expected to last, the prosecutor cannot answer yet.

English school: “Grateful for the work of the police”

From the English school’s side, principal Brian Tucek says he is satisfied that the prosecution is now complete.

“It feels good that the trial is finally over, that justice is being served and that some of the victims can hopefully get some closure. We are grateful for the work of the police, without which we would not have been able to discover the crimes that were committed so that they could come to an end and the perpetrator brought to justice,” writes Tucek in a comment to SVT Nyheter Värmland.
