The prosecutor about the drug discovery in Norrköping: Is not that common

The case began as an alarm about illegal threats late on Tuesday night last week.

A representative of a site that hangs out suspected pedophiles had received a picture of a weapon sent to him, something TV4 Nyheterna was previously able to tell.

When the police went out to the man suspected of being behind the threat, the case took a completely different turn.

In the apartment building in Norrköping, the police found large amounts of narcotics.

The man, who is in his 40s, was arrested and is now in custody on probable cause on suspicion of particularly serious drug crime and serious weapons crime.

– Illegal threats are also being investigated in parallel, says Thomas Ramstedt, chamber prosecutor.

Denies crime

The prosecutor does not want to comment on how much drugs were found or which preparations are involved. The first assessment that was made was that the street value could reach 100 million kroner, but the later investigations show that it is not about as great a value.

– The investigation is now continuing, so I cannot say much about any details. But now the NFC (National Forensic Center) is going to look at this drug and determine what it is and how much. But it is relatively a lot, it reaches extremely rough based on the amount and circumstances, says Thomas Ramstedt.

According to the prosecutor, they are now looking into whether it could be that the man stored the drugs for someone else or whether there are links to organized crime.

– It is so much that it is not likely that it would be for personal use. We will investigate this further, says Ramstedt.

How does the man react to the suspicions?

– His attitude is that he denies crime. He has provided some information about it but it is not something that I can go into now.

Shocked by the find

The detainee has no criminal record sections, according to court documents. However, he has previously been convicted of a minor drug offense in Norrköping after having a snuff box with four illegal tablets. The prosecutor states that it is unusual for someone who has not been charged with a more serious crime to be suspected of such a serious crime.

– It is not that common. It was perhaps not what was expected when the police confronted him, that they would find these amounts.

Another man of the same age was arrested in the case but has now been released.

– The suspicions have not been dismissed, but we will see what it leads to.

The prosecutor has had until the beginning of December to bring charges but states that he will request an extension as it involves weapons and a lot of narcotics to be analysed.
