The program of the “New Popular Front” is cowardice, the worst and the risk, by Manuel Valls – L’Express

The program of the New Popular Front is cowardice the

The President’s choice to dissolve the Assembly is a political explosion. This decision will have the merit of giving the people a voice again. But its opportunity can only be analyzed in the light of its effects.

The danger is immense. The far right is at the gates of power. It would only bring hatred, shame and chaos. Deep down, the French don’t want them to govern. But they want a radical change in policy. Above all, they want to be heard, that we finally really listen to them on their strong and legitimate expectations in terms of purchasing power, security, or immigration.

In times of trouble, in the face of danger, everyone’s choices affect the country. I share the fear of the RN which is gripping the people of the left and I understand its aspiration for unity in the face of this danger. But the PS apparatus and its leaders, faced with the serious and historic political moment we are going through, have chosen cowardice, the worst and risk.

READ ALSO: New Popular Front, the secret history: Mélenchon’s purge, the Berger plan, Glucksmann’s doubts

They chose cowardice because more virtuous paths were available to them. These paths were more demanding, difficult, steep, but had the merit of not making the government left sink into shame. There was room for joint social democratic, environmentalist and even communist candidacies, leaving the far left marginalized. Above all, there was room for a coalition negotiated with the current majority and all the Republicans, where the left could have imposed its priorities on inequalities, ecology, public services. Certainly, the President of the Republic should have taken the initiative and proposed it in June 2022. The leaders of the PS nevertheless chose to renew an unnatural alliance with the populist, anti-Semitic and anti-European far left, and this, barely three days after their electorate sent a clear message by placing Raphaël Glucksmann’s list in the lead, on the left, in the European elections.

They chose the worst because the agreement of the “New Popular Front”, because inspired and led by LFI, is a danger equivalent to that represented by the RN.

It is an economic peril, embodied by demagogic measures whose cost is around 300 billion euros, almost the equivalent of all the State’s annual tax revenue. In other words, all taxes will have to be doubled to finance it. Basically, the program would ruin our country and impoverish the French: blocking prices would lead to widespread shortages; returning to retirement at age 60 requires finding more than 50 billion euros; the increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net would destroy more than 500,000 jobs; the re-establishment of the ISF and the many new constraints imposed on businesses would destroy the smallest of them and drive away all investors; the implementation of the 32-hour week would ruin our productivity, destroy jobs and weaken the value of work; the voluntary omission of nuclear power, to hide the major differences between stakeholders, will undoubtedly result in a weakening of our energy sovereignty. I invite our compatriots to go through the program of the “New Popular Front”. Everything would become free. All savings would be wiped out. They would work less. They would pay less. They would earn more. And in all this, the State, although already ruined, would magically have billions in a mess to pour on the people. Who can believe it?

It is a moral peril, against a backdrop of rejection of our republican principles and ambiguity with Islamism and anti-Semitism. The PS, ashamed, compromised, merging with the communitarianism of LFI to win the vote of the new wretched of the earth in the separatist neighborhoods. If there is in the program a condemnation – apparently obtained through hard struggle – of the terrorist massacres of Hamas, this organization is, in itself, not qualified as terrorist. It is also advocated a fight against “Islamophobic” speeches and an interministerial plan against “Islamophobia”, this term used by Islamists to victimize Muslims and turn them against our country. Charlie Hebdo journalists were murdered for having been singled out in this way. Islamism will no longer be an enemy to be fought but an ally to be cajoled. How can we advocate the repeal of the separatism law, a response to the assassination of Samuel Paty, which reinforced the principle of secularism in public services, created an offense against online hatred or better controlled places of worship? How can we justify the removal of the “republican commitment contract” which conditions the granting of subsidies to associations on a commitment to respect the principles of secularism or gender equality?

Neither LFI, nor RN, everything for the Republic

This is a security risk. Following Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his henchmen for whom “the police kill”, the program of the “New Popular Front” casts shame on our law enforcement by proposing to dismantle the Brav-M to let the thugs deploy their violence in demonstrations; to disarm our police officers in the face of an individual who refuses to comply and risks, in his flight, killing; to repeal the so-called “global security” law which better protected our police and gendarmes; to put in place receipts for identity checks, fueling the discourse of a “racist police”. More broadly, the question of the insecurity experienced by our compatriots and which pushes them into the arms of the RN is not addressed. As for the desire to put an end to prison overcrowding, I fear that, in their minds, it translates more into laxity than into the necessary construction of prison places.

READ ALSO: Gilles Candar: “Mélenchon may well play the caring and unifying grandfather…”

It’s a migratory danger illustrating, here too, that they understand nothing of the message sent by the French on June 9. By proposing the repeal of asylum and immigration laws, better access to visas, massive regularization plans, the facilitation of the acquisition of French nationality or the implementation of “integral” land law, therefore without condition attesting to integration, the “New Popular Front” takes the risk of exploding immigration in our country when we do not need new immigrants and our compatriots are, on the contrary, demanding better control.

This is a political peril, since their future majority would notably be made up of violent activists, such as Raphaël Arnault, on file S, and numerous personalities under investigation for advocating terrorism, such as Danièle Obono who, in the midst of barbaric terrorist attacks of October 7, described Hamas as a resistance movement to Philippe Poutou and the NPA, who presented them as “a necessary struggle against colonization led by a bellicose and warlike state”.

The PS apparatus, finally, made the choice of risk because, by presenting such a program of shame and dishonor as the only alternative to the RN, it could favor the latter’s arrival to responsibilities more than prevent it. Right-wing voters, even moderate ones, will never vote for LFI against the RN. I myself, I accept it, I did not fight the anti-Semitic party FN for 40 years to start voting today for the anti-Semitic party LFI.

The people of the left must know the truth: the “New Popular Front” is not a solution to the chaos that an arrival of the far right to power would bring. It is an equivalent chaos. It is not the fear of the RN which led to such a failure, but the fear of losing a seat.

READ ALSO: “Permanent policing”: the worrying RN project for national education

Voters on the left must block two extremisms and support the social democrats, the environmentalists, the current deputies of the presidential majority and those on the right who refuse the shameful agreement with the RN. On this basis, tomorrow it will be necessary to build, as an alternative, a new majority to save the essential, agree on the main and agree on a method. The main thing is support for European construction, defense of the values ​​of the Republic and the greatness of France. The main thing is to ensure the prosperity and sustainability of the French nation; put order in our streets, at our borders and in our accounts, reform our justice; restore our public services, revalue work and protect the most vulnerable. The method is to propose another way of governing, less vertical and more attentive to responding to the problems of the French. Neither LFI, nor RN, everything for the Republic.

