While the Speedons charitable event is about to open its doors for a fifth edition, Mistermv, its founder, confided in Linternate. Between secrets and new projects, the streamer tells us everything.
One of the most popular charitable events in Twitch is preparing to make a comeback at the end of February 2025. Speedons, which brings together several dozen Speed-Runners for four days, returns to Twitch for a fifth edition. Initiated by none other than Mistermv, the initiative will seek, through always more impressive video game performances, to collect a maximum of donations for doctors of the world.
Approaching Speedons, which will be held from February 28 to March 2, 2025, Mistermv, whose real name is Xavier Dang, confided in Linternate. The founder of the event took the time to answer our questions, describing in detail the principle of this 2025 edition, while sketching his future projects in the world of streaming.

What bar did you have for Speedons 2025, after the 2 million euros collected last year?
“The public loves to fantasize and imagine new records but we will necessarily reach a ceiling at some point! If we do as well as last year, it will already be great. Then with the growing notoriety and the addition of international restreams on can possibly hope for 3 million in an ideal scenario! “
“The organization and the device become more and more enormous and it is almost unreal to see so much craze and people involved in improving and embellishing the latter!”
Do you think it is necessary to love the speed-run* to watch speedons?
“Absolutely not! This kind of event is quite hypnotizing even for neophytes and the work of commentators is precisely to popularize just enough technical explanations for them to be understandable to all. The people who throw a look there remain in General aspired! “
Is there a particular game that you can’t wait to see Speed-Run for Speedons 2025?
“The program has never been so dense, there are crazy runs even at night! I think that the sequence of Super Mario 64 Played blindfolded will be an extraordinary moment. “
What personalities will be there this year?
“We find more or less the same team at ambiancing with a new head, Vicky Spleen. The most famous names are probably those of Zerator And Antoine Daniel ! “

In view of the many conflicts that recently broke out, does this 2025 edition are more important to you than the others?
“The state of the world at the level of various conflicts and the global geopolitical atmosphere is indeed very disturbing. We will come back on stage on many of the world’s ills during the interviews with the world of doctors of the world. Last year was last year was Already responsible for emotions, especially when Palestine was mentioned.
Can you detail what the donations will be used for during Speedons?
“We return each year to the use of donations devoted to speedons and we will do it on stage this year again. We also have concrete comparisons of the cost of each type of structure. This kind of sums allows to erect and maintain centers Care or emergency and crisis, among others.
What do you feel once speeders finished?
“I feel exhausted in general (laughs)and this year I will go directly with many other things. But overall I come out moved and happy that we have managed to invite happiness and help doctors of the world to heal and improve this world a little! “
Excluding speedons, do you have new projects for 2025?
“Far too much in reality, especially via AEGIS, our ESPORT team, also via Game of Roles, our live role playing on Twitch, and many other things that I don’t even know! Being able to find time for music, my first passion. “

Could the Mistermv of 20 years ago imagine that you would collect millions thanks to a charity marathon that you created?
“Of course not, it’s pretty crazy. Even more this year with the Twitch channel in particular Games Done Quickwhich will directly transmit and translate our event into English! The story is quite funny since I had initiated the mechanics of Restreams in a foreign language by organizing it wildly in 2011.
What was the click to launch Speedons?
Doctors of the World had contacted me to organize a charity event, surely inspired by the Zevent as many charities. I didn’t want to do something similar or an influencer gala, but go on content rather than container. Speedons’ idea came quite naturally and is largely inspired by the Games Done Quick, of course. “
Do you have a Speed-Runner model?
“I am pretty friend with Zoast, an American speedrunner of Super Metroid, that I met at the Summer Games Done Quick 2014. He is a musician in addition to being runner like me. I have been paying for more than 10 years on his channel! “
Can we hope for a 2026 edition?
“As every year I will still wonder if this is reasonable and I will re-sign direct! It seems unlikely that there are no speeds 6 as spectators and doctors of the world love the event!”