The profile of the alleged Bilbao serial killer, according to the Ertzaintza

The profile of the alleged Bilbao serial killer according to

The Ertzaintza continues with the search for the presumed author of the death of four men in Bilbao. As reported ‘The country‘, the agents follow the trail of a 25-year-old Latin American man who arrived in Spain three years ago.

For the moment, the alleged murderer remains unaccounted foralthough the Basque Police have requested help from both the National Police, with powers in Immigration matters, and the police forces of Navarra and Catalonia, with the aim of find out more data and movements of this man since he arrived in Spain, according to the aforementioned medium. The first known information about the suspect was obtained by the agents after he fled.

A flight that he undertook after a struggle in the house of one of his victims, and whose complaint was key to the start of the investigation of the case. At his home, he forgot a backpack containing documentation and liquid ecstasy. However, the agents have not yet clarified what is the real cause of death of the first known fatalities. They also work with the hypothesis of four deaths that could be linked to the investigated profile.

In fact, the researchers found a common link in all the attacks perpetrated, the dating application Grindr. According to the version provided by the Basque Police, the alleged aggressor established contact with the victims through this application. In this way, he managed to They will invite him to their homes, and then cause his death with liquid ecstasy and rob their bank accounts.

On the other hand, according to reportsThe world‘, the agents also investigate the contacts maintained by the main suspect with each of his victims through the application, as well as their banking movements. In addition, this medium has also pointed out that Deaths that were considered natural in Madrid continue to be investigated and in the Valencian Community.

The group asks to adopt “protective measures”

The different LGTBI+ groups in the Basque Country have sounded the alarm before the danger of these contact platforms like Grindrwhich the alleged aggressor would have used to choose his victims.

The LGTBI+ Observatory raises the “adoption of protective measures”, since for this reason they are exposed “to all kinds of aggression and violence”. The judge handling this case has ruled summary secretand the search and arrest warrant against the main suspect is maintained.
