The profile Joel Lundqvist’s honest words – admits ahead of his 19th(!) season in Frölunda: “Not so cheeky out there”

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Joel Lundqvist is preparing for his 19th season with Frölunda.
Even so, I am still nervous about what lies ahead.
– Not so cheeky out there, he says.

Joel Lundqvist is truly one of the SHL’s biggest profiles. The 40-year-old is currently getting ready for his 19th season in Frölunda – where he has been one of the club’s best players in all seasons.

“It’s a bit nervous”

As team captain, he has become a real crowd favorite in Gothenburg. But also for his winning skull and nose for points. In total, Joel Lundqvist has been involved in bringing home four SM dents for Frölunda, and will end his career as one of the club’s greatest.

220401 Frölunda’s Joel Lundqvist during quarter-final one in the SHL between Frölunda and Växjö on April 1, 2022 in Gothenburg. Photo: Michael Erichsen / BILDBYRÅN

Despite the fact that the profile started several seasons earlier, he cannot conceal that he is noticeably nervous about the competition year ahead.

– That’s how it is. It’s a bit nervous, partly for yourself but also to get a feel for the team. How we feel and how it looks out there? it’s always a bit tense but it’s nice to be up and running, he tells Göteborgs-Posten.

“Not so cheeky”

Joel Lundqvist, who turns 41 during the season, still thinks it’s just as fun – and is looking forward to the new SHL season, which kicks off in mid-September.

– Otherwise, we wouldn’t have continued. Then, as always, you have to be patient with yourself, things. It’s not that it feels completely perfect, but it’s a start and then you can drive from there, says the icon.

220419 Frölunda’s Joel Lundqvist during the ice hockey match in the SHL between Luleå and Frölunda on April 19, 2022 in Luleå. Photo: Ola Westerberg / BILDBYRÅN

New season, new opportunities. But the excitement for what is to come is not the most fun during the competition year, says Joel Lundqvist.

– Well. It’s probably more that you don’t feel so cheeky out there. I can’t say it’s the most fun because there are tough weeks ahead where a lot has to settle. It’s fun to be up and running but the feeling isn’t the best, so I’m happy to wait a few more weeks.

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