The problem pier of all time – the Gaza bypass that cost hundreds of millions closed for the third time | News in brief

The problem pier of all time the Gaza bypass

The temporary pier for Gaza’s emergency aid was closed again. The Americans say they misjudged the sea conditions in the Mediterranean.

The temporary pier built by the US military in the Gaza Strip has been taken out of service again. The reason is the difficult sea conditions, the Pentagon informs.

According to the spokesperson of the armed forces, the platform should not be returned to its place either, until the emergency aid waiting in the loading area in front of it has been distributed to the Gazans.

Now, according to the spokesperson, there is no space in the loading area, which is why “our men and women should not be kept in stations when there is nothing to transport”.

According to aid organizations, loads of emergency aid have been piled up in front of the pier because it is not safe to distribute them to the Gazans due to Israeli attacks.

Gaza’s ill-fated auxiliaries

The UN has not distributed aid shipments that came through the pier after the Israeli armed forces used the area next to the pier to fly hostages they rescued from the Hamas terrorist organization out of Gaza. According to the UN, the incident caused security concerns related to the pier.

The US authorities have said that they had misjudged the sea conditions in the area. Earlier this week Politico reportedthat an investigation has been launched in the US Ministry of Defense regarding the pier project.

Source: Reuters, AP
