the probable tests and subjects

the probable tests and subjects

A few days before the start of the tests, several subject possibilities are being considered for those who have chosen specialty teaching for the physics-chemistry baccalaureate. Here are the ones.

The test which concerns physics-chemistry specialty teaching, counting towards the 2024 baccalaureate, will take place on Wednesday June 19 or Thursday June 20, for several tens of thousands of high school students who have opted for this option. This is also the first time that the specialty tests take place at the same time as those of the common core (philosophy, grand oral, French). All students have three and a half hours to solve the three exercises that will be presented to them. As with other specialties, the physics-chemistry assessment for the baccalaureate takes place in two tests. The written test on June 19 and 20, and a practical test, the date of which was communicated to them via a summons. These two tests represent respectively 20 (practical) and 80% (written) of the final rating for this subject which counts coefficient 16 in the baccalaureate average, like each specialty.

What are the likely topics this year?

If these are only approximations, some specialized sites have already speculated on what the subject of the physics-chemistry specialty test could be.

For this year 2024, the most likely subjects would be, according to Digischool :

  • Modeling acid-base transformations by hydrogen ion transfers
  • Direction of evolution of an acid-base system
  • Link between actions applied to a system and its movement

Probable topics:

  • Flow of a fluid
  • Analysis of a chemical system by physical and chemical methods
  • Evolution of a system, seat of a chemical transformation
  • Evolution of a system, seat of a nuclear transformation
  • Direction of evolution of an oxidizer-reducer system
  • Ideal gas and energy balances
  • Images and light
  • Dynamics of an electrical system

Unlikely subjects:

  • Organic synthesis strategy
  • Description of a movement
  • Wave phenomena

These propositions are hypothetical and they will remain so until the students discover the subjects on the day of the test. However, they remain areas of revision which are primarily intended to enable candidates to identify the main themes of the physics-chemistry specialty and to organize their revisions.

What are the physics-chemistry subjects in foreign centers this year?

Like every year, students from French high schools abroad take the exams baccalaureate a few days before students from mainland France, thus allowing candidates from France to discover the first subjects of the baccalaureate. This year, only the foreign centers in North America have already taken these tests, for the others they will take place during the month of June, a few days before the start of the baccalaureate in mainland France, in Mayotte and Reunion. The topics given to students from North America will not be identical to those that the other candidates will discover on June 19 and 20.

Day 1 :

Day 2:

The subjects of last year’s baccalaureate can be read in full on Linternaute thanks to our partner Studyrama. Among all the subjects, those of the physics-chemistry specialty can be discovered below. Note that two sessions of the test took place and that consequently two subjects were distributed to the candidates, one for each day of the test.

Topic from session #1 last year:

Topic of session no. 2 last year:

What were the physics-chemistry answers last year?

In addition to disseminating the subjects, Linternaute in partnership with Studyrama offers a correction of the subject with the main elements that could be introduced in its copy.

Corrected from last year’s session n°1:

Corrected from session no. 2 last year:

After the written physics-chemistry test on June 19 and 20, the practical test will take place on the date indicated on the individual invitations and should last one hour. On the subject side, no exercises common to all candidates but a certain number of evaluation situations among those available on the national bank of National Education subjects. The ministry, however, specifies certain scientific manipulations on which candidates cannot be evaluated:

  • Create a battery and an electrical circuit integrating an electrolyzer
  • Use a device to study Archimedes’ thrust
  • Measuring pressure and flow velocity in a gas and a liquid
  • Monitor the evolution of the temperature of a system
  • Use a photovoltaic cell
  • Implement a device to study the Doppler effect in acoustics

At the time of the exam, the candidate draws an assessment situation “from a subset, renewed every half day, of at least two predominantly physical assessment situations and two predominantly physical assessment situations chemistry”, according to the ministry. He then has one hour to carry out the requested manipulations.

The results of the physics-chemistry specialty test will be available from July 8, 2024 as for all other baccalaureate exams. As a reminder, the physics-chemistry exam is made up of two parts, the final mark is obtained by multiplying the mark of the written test by 0.8 and that of the practical test by 0.2.
