the pro-Russian Velichie party should enter Parliament

the pro Russian Velichie party should enter Parliament

Early legislative elections were held on June 9 in Bulgaria in parallel with the European elections. The results of the two elections are almost the same and show a breakthrough of the pro-Russian far right with a newcomer on the political scene.

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“Velichie” (“Greatness”) is the name of the big surprise, reports our correspondent in Sofia, Damian Vodenicharov. This party founded in 2023 received more than 4.5% without concretizing its political ideas, apart from the friendship which binds the Bulgarians to the Russians. His election campaign consisted of podcasts and videos on social media.

The record abstention also worked in its favor, since in Bulgariaonly 32.5% of voters went to the polls.

Velichie completes the Russian front in Parliament, whose leader remains the Renaissance party with 13%, followed by the Socialist Party with 7%.

The results of the other parties meet the expectations of sociologists: the big winner is the Gerb party of former Prime Minister Boyko Borissov with almost 25%. The Turkish party is in second place with 17%, while the so-called “Harvardian” coalition loses 10% compared to the 2023 legislative elections and obtains only 14% of the votes.

In total, seven parties will share the 240 seats.

Obtaining a majority therefore promises to be extremely difficult. The final results, including the distribution of the number of MP seats in Parliament, will be announced by the Electoral Commission later this week.
