The prison sentence of a young left-wing radical stirs up in Germany – a 28-year-old woman organized attacks against neo-Nazis

The prison sentence of a young left wing radical stirs up

A far-left student was sentenced to more than five years in prison for attacks against neo-Nazis.

The judgment of the court in Dresden sparked a series of large demonstrations in Germany.

A 28-year-old woman who German press calls the name Lina E., received a prison sentence of five years and three months. Lina E. was considered guilty of serious acts of violence against neo-Nazi and far-right groups.

The court also found that Lina E. was one of the founders of the far-left group, defined by the court as a criminal group. The group was responsible for six violent attacks against neo-Nazis.

Lina E. has been in prison on remand for more than two and a half years. The court in Dresden let him go free after the verdict was announced, because the verdict is there is a right of appeal.

There will be demonstrations

The case of student Lina E. has aroused the sympathies of left-wing activists across Germany. Already yesterday, at least in Leipzig, Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin, demonstrations supporting him were organized.

The day after tomorrow, Saturday, a large demonstration is scheduled to be held in Leipzig.

Along with Lina E., three other far-left activists also received the sentence. Their prison sentences ranged from more than two years to more than three years.
