The prison manager: “We need more correctional officers”

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Staff turnover in the correctional service is quite high.

– We have correctional officers who choose to go to police training, other types of training or other types of jobs in service, security or care, she says.

What is missing in the prisons are correctional officers. Tove Strandsäter says that Jönköping and Växjö are not considered to be as badly affected in the country, but that the Correctional Service experienced a staff shortage during the summer.

– We have had to make certain adjustments in terms of schedule in order to meet the skills we need.

Tove Strandsäter points out that the Correctional Service will need to hire more in the future as the prisons fill up.

– We receive many applicants and we hire many, but we need even more because we are growing at a fast pace in many locations.
