The principle of the inverted pyramid, applied to resumes

The principle of the inverted pyramid applied to resumes

Introduce the key elements of your career first, a communication technique that can help you grab the attention of your readers (and potential recruiters!).

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The chronological CV is most often used. Based on a timeline (from the oldest to the most recent events), this essential document for spontaneously applying or responding to a job offer can be organized differently in order to attract and hold the attention of your recruiters.

Save and save time

Convey information quickly. This is the very purpose of what is called the inverted pyramid. This is an editorial model that is particularly effective for condensed content and in particular short journalistic content. It applies perfectly to the curriculum format since very often you only have one page to evoke the extent of your know-how and your past experiences.

In the event that a recruiter receives dozens of applications, it is essential to stand out from the first lines. Thus, the main message is highlighted and implies ” I was made for this job “.

Getting to the point will save you a lot of time. By asking yourself from the start about the strengths of your curriculum, you will see that later (in other words by going back in time to your previous experiences), you will spend less time listing all your jobs and your diplomas. If in addition you choose to go through an online tool that makes resume writing easy, you could write an impactful and effective resume in less than 15 minutes.

For exemple, CVmaker is a writing aid tool that gives you advice depending on the position you want. The CV generator also allows you to fill out a pre-designed template so you don’t waste time creating a layout on your input software.

Dividing your CV into multiple sections helps readers filter the information you fill in more quickly. It’s time saved on their side and for you, it shows your ability to keep only strong ideas.

The inverted pyramid in detail

The principle of the inverted pyramid recommends an organization as follows:

  • The key information first. They correspond to the famous “What, Who, Where, When, How, How much, Why” which can be adapted to make a short presentation of your professional profile. Do not forget to fill in your personal information and contact details.
  • Important details such as student background and professional experiences follow. We already wrote a post about whether or not to mention student jobs in a CV. If your professional path is rich, it will be wise to mention only the most important stages or the most formative experiences. You will have plenty of time to tell the recruiter more during the interview that will be offered to you.
  • Finally, the base of this inverted pyramid includes all the additional information that is not necessarily indicative of your ability to integrate this position but rather a summary of your skills broad (mastery of IT tools, languages, managerial or technical skills, etc.).

This inverted pyramid technique can also be used in writing the email you want to apply with. An effective message subject and an introduction that will stand out from other applications are the first steps to a successful contact!

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