A principal in Tallahassee, Florida followed the curriculum and taught the Renaissance. Then she was fired, American media reports. One parent thought that Michelangelo’s world-famous sculpture “David” was pornographic. Less than a year ago, Hope Carrasquilla became principal of Tallahassee Classical School. On Monday, she was called to a crisis meeting with the school management where she was given an ultimatum – to resign or be fired. The reason? She showed pictures of Boticelli’s painting “Birth of Venus” and Michelangelo’s nude sculpture “David” to a sixth grader during a lesson. – I’m sorry it ended this way, Hope Carrasquilla told the Tallahassee Democrat. “Parents come first” Carrasquilla told the newspaper that three parents had complained, saying the lesson had made their 12-year-olds “uncomfortable”. Two of the parents say they wished they had been informed that the images would be shown before the lesson took place. The third called the lesson pornographic. The school’s board chairman Barney Bishop is on the parents’ side. – Parents’ rights come first. This means that we must protect their interests, regardless of whether there are 10, 20 or 50 of them, says Bishop.
The principal showed a world-famous sculpture – fired after a parent’s porn alarm