The prime ministers of the Nordic NATO countries and Canada gave their unanimous support to the NATO membership of Sweden and Ukraine

The prime ministers of the Nordic NATO countries and Canada

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is visiting Iceland, where the summer meeting of prime ministers discussed the situation in Russia, NATO, the climate and the cooperation of the participating countries.

The Nordic NATO countries gave their full support to Sweden’s NATO membership when they met in Iceland on the Vestmanna Islands. Prime minister Petteri Orpo (collector) said that all members should send a clear message that Sweden is ready for membership and that it is needed as a member of NATO.

– Sweden belongs to NATO and fulfills the conditions, in addition, NATO has an open door policy, said Orpo in an interview with Finnish media.

A similar message was also given by the Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Störe and the Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen.

According to Orpo, Sweden must next negotiate, which is Sweden’s and NATO’s matter with Turkey.

– I guess it was that the resolution of Turkey’s position went to the last minute with regard to Finland’s membership as well, said Orpo.

The Prime Minister of Canada was a special guest at the meeting Justin Trudeau was able to boast that Canada was the first NATO country to ratify both Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO memberships.

The prime ministers’ discussions also featured the events of the weekend in Russia and Ukraine’s future NATO membership.

According to Orpo, the situation in Russia is worrying and we will monitor it together.

Turkey and Sweden meet

Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said today that before next month’s NATO meeting, representatives of Sweden and Turkey will meet in Brussels.

Stoltenberg said that he spoke with the Turkish president yesterday Recep Tayyip Erdoğan about organizing a meeting with “Sweden to finally become a member of NATO”.

In addition, he has been in contact with decision-makers in Finland and Sweden.

Source: Reuters
