The Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden as guests of the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz – co-operation in the forefront in the midst of European upheavals

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

The invitation to the retreat of Meseberg Castle received by Sanna Marin and Magdalena Andersson is exceptional. The prime ministers and the chancellor held a short press conference.

3.5. 13:19 • Updated 3.5. 13:56

Prime minister Sanna Marin and the Prime Minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson attended by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholzin invitation to a meeting near Berlin.

“It is exceptional that the Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden have been invited to an internal retreat to Meseberg Castle, where the German government will discuss the economic and security implications of the war in Ukraine for two days,” says ‘s correspondent. Suvi Turtiainen.

According to him, Prime Minister Sanna Marin is not only seeking support for Finland’s security policy decisions, but the German government wants to hear from her an assessment of the threat posed by Russia.

“Timing perfect”

The Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, considered the timing of the meeting to be perfect, as both Finland and Sweden are making significant decisions regarding their security policy.

Marin praised the discussions as unique and confidential. According to him, the choices made by the countries are interlinked.

– The Russian attack has completely changed the security environment, said Marin. – There is no going back.

He also emphasized the importance of the European Union.

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said that Sweden is also adjusting its policy due to European changes.

According to Andersson, there is an ongoing debate in Sweden about security, where all possibilities are open.

Scholz, who hosted the meeting, justified the invitation to the Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden on the grounds that both countries are close allies and partners of Germany in the European Union.

– That is why it is very important that we talk to each other here about security issues that are very important for Europe and these countries, Scholz said at the beginning of the meeting.

Scholzia has been severely criticized

According to him, the economic challenges brought by the war in Ukraine and the pressures of change caused by climate change will also be discussed.

Scholz of Germany has been heavily criticized domestically and internationally for his reservations about arming Ukraine with many other Western leaders. One week ago, however, Germany announced that it would also supply Gepard anti-aircraft armor to Ukraine.

– I respect pacifism, but from the point of view of the Ukrainian people, it seems cynical if they are called upon to defend themselves against Putin’s aggression without weapons. That’s how time has come, Scholz said in his May Day speech on Sunday.

Germany has plunged into a difficult situation since the start of the Russian invasion war because the country is dependent on fossil energy imported from Russia.
