The price of fruits and vegetables has skyrocketed this summer

The price of fruits and vegetables has skyrocketed this summer

According to a study carried out by the Familles Rurales association, the prices of summer fruits and vegetables have never been so high for nine years. Among the largest increases were potatoes and strawberries, which saw an increase of almost 37%.

In 2016, the price of fruit and vegetables broke all records in France. This is what reveals to us the annual barometer of the association Familles Rurales, published this Tuesday in The cross. Thus, the average price of a kilo of fruit is € 4.1, ie 18% more than last year, and that of a kilo of vegetables € 2.3, or 10% more. According to some professionals, the reason for this increase is due to a particularly bad spring month.

A rise that does not reach tomatoes and carrots

Among the strongest increases, potatoes and strawberries take first place with an increase of almost 37%, respectively to € 1.78 and € 7.72 per kilo. Next come melons and cherries with an increase of around 17.5%.

“This is our tenth summer fruit and vegetable price observatory and these basic food products have never been so expensive” indicates Dominique Marmier, president of Rural Families.

However, tomatoes and carrots are not affected by this price increase. The first lost 4.9% to 1.93 € per kilo, against 4.4% for the seconds, or 1.54 € per kilo.

Organic products mark the gap

According to Famille Rural, the price gap between products from organic farming and those from conventional farming is widening. Thus, the average price of a kilo of organic fruit reaches 6.95 €, i.e. 2.8 € more than non-organic. A kilo of organic vegetables costs an average of € 4.1, i.e. € 1.8 more than the others.

In this case, the biggest differences concern nectarines, peaches, green beans or organic tomatoes. “Organic products are undoubtedly even more complex to cultivate during difficult climatic periods” explains Dominique Marmier.

French products take center stage

The association is however delighted that French fruits and vegetables are more and more competitive compared to foreign competition. It notes that nine products out of sixteen are on average less expensive when they come from France, and that the gap is gradually narrowing for the others. Famille Rurale, through its president, therefore advises you to compare the prices from one store to another and not to hesitate to “buy French”.

Every summer, the Rural Families consumption watchers raise the prices of 8 fruits and 8 vegetables on two occasions: in June and July. They distinguish their origin but also the sales area (hypermarkets / supermarkets, hard-discounts, markets). A price statement is also carried out for fruits and vegetables from organic farming. At the end the results are compiled in an Observatory, which is subsequently published, usually before the end of the summer.

Read also :

Infographic: each month its fruits & vegetables

We choose to eat organic above all for health

12 fall fruits and vegetables bursting with health benefits

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