The pressure around the sitting president is growing – Democrats are urging Biden to withdraw from the race | News in brief

The pressure around the sitting president is growing – Democrats

Experts predict that Thursday’s press conference could be decisive for Bidney’s presidential candidacy.

Democratic Senator Peter Welch believes that Joe Biden must withdraw from the presidential race.

Welch writes about it in his opinion piece in the Washington Post.

– We cannot ignore President Biden’s horrible performance in the election debate. We also cannot ignore the completely legitimate questions that were asked after the performance, Welch writes, referring to Biden and Donald Trump’s to the election debate held at the end of June.

Welch is the first Democratic senator to directly call on Biden to withdraw from the election.

– For the sake of the country, I urge President Biden to withdraw from the race, Welch writes.

Today, Biden will hold a press conference and answer reporters’ questions about the NATO summit in Washington.

According to experts, everything at the NATO meeting the looks have been Biden’s okay. Thursday’s press conference may be decisive for Biden’s continuation.

Suddenly, everyone is calling for Biden to step down

Several Democratic senators have expressed concern about Biden’s chances of winning.

For example, a Democratic senator Michael Bennett said Wednesday that Biden would likely suffer a crushing defeat in the election.

On Wednesday, the actor George Clooney withdrew his support from Biden’s presidential campaign and called on Biden to withdraw

– I love Joe Biden. But we need a new candidate, Clooney wrote in a post published on Wednesday of The New York Times in his opinion text.

Just a week earlier, Clooney had organized a major fundraising event for Biden, but in a recent opinion piece, the Hollywood actor describes that President Biden “isn’t the man he was in 2010.”

Former Speaker of Congress, Democrat Nancy Pelosi hinted in an interview on Wednesday that Biden should reconsider his presidential bid.

Pelosi said that the Democratic Party is encouraging Biden to withdraw from the race, but the final decision will be made by Biden himself.

So far, Biden has rejected all calls to withdraw and announced that he will continue in the race.

New attempt on Monday

US President Biden appears in an NBC television interview next week, CNN reported.

The interview will be broadcast on Monday, the same day the Republican Party begins its caucuses.

Trump and Biden met in June at an election debate. Even back then, Biden’s appearance was described as quiet.

On Friday, Biden appeared in an interview with the ABC television channel. Even this performance did not convince the experts.
