the press under the spell, all the notes

the press under the spell all the notes

After several weeks of intensive promotional campaign, Pokémon Legends Arceus is about to land on Nintendo Switch, it’s only a matter of days. If the general public will be able to get their hands on it from January 28, the specialized press has had the green light from Nintendo to publish its tests; and it is clear that the proposal of the semi-open world has won over the various journalists around the world. With an average of 86% on Metacritic (for 40 reviews listed), the title is doing so with honors, despite the fears of a game that swears a lot visually. The graphics are also often singled out by the tests, which criticize the Nintendo Switch for sticking out their tongue when it comes to an open world, even when it is not total. Between the rough flat textures, the lack of life in the world and somewhat cubic outlines, the visual aspect of Pokémon Legends Arceus can be the subject of teasing. Fortunately, the DA manages to make people forget this obsolete technique, while the gameplay, reinvented, allows the game to give real freedom to the player. While waiting for our test (we have not yet received the game at the time of writing these lines), here are those obtained around the world.

Telegraph: 5/5

FCV: 5/5

God is a Geek: 9.5/10

GamePro Germany: 9.2/10

Vooks: 9/10

IGN Portugal: 9/10

GamesRadar+: 9/10

Nintendo Life: 9/10

Game Informer: 8.8/10

Hobby Consoles: 8.7/10

Merization: 8.5/10 8.4/10

Millennium: 85% 16/20

VG24/7: 8/10

Gamespot: 8/10

Shacknews: 8/10

XGN: 8/10

PC Mag: 7/10

Digital Trends: 7/10

IGN Italy: 5/10
