The President suggested the Chief Advisor: For chronic fatigue…

The President suggested the Chief Advisor For chronic fatigue

Giving an interview to the 4th issue of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality’s digital interactive magazine ‘Samsun E-Journal’, Chief Advisor to the President, Member of the Health and Food Policy Board, Chemical Engineer Prof. Dr. İbrahim Adnan Saracoğlu shared his recipes against diseases and explained the recipes of special cures.


prof. Dr. Noting that the main source of complaints such as the feeling of chronic fatigue and the formation of acne on the skin is the liver, Saraçoğlu said, “Parsley, lemon, artichoke and celery come first among the nutrients that I recommend for the healthy functioning of the liver and to strengthen the immune system of this organ and which I mentioned in my books. It is possible to protect our liver health by including these vegetables in our diet frequently and applying them 3-4 times a year as a cure.”



Stating that especially parsley has molecules that are strong enough to expel the inflammation in the liver and under the skin, when it comes together with lemon, the molecules become active. Dr. Saraçoğlu said: “In this way, parsley lemon cure; It is also effective in skin problems such as the immune system of the liver, fatty liver, hepatitis B, acne. Parsley-lemon cure is very useful for chronic fatigue, acne formation on the skin, fatty liver and hepatitis B. Parsley cure is made as follows; 15-16 sprigs of parsley are thrown into the blender together with the stems. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and a little more than half a glass of water. It is passed through the blender for two minutes. Drink it completely 15 minutes before breakfast once a day. After 15 days of application, a 5-day break is taken and it is applied again for 15 days.”



Explaining the benefits of sycamore leaves, Prof. Dr. Saraçoğlu said, “It is effective in calcification with secondary metabolites found in plane leaves. Some of the diseases that sycamore leaf is effective in other than calcification include back and neck hernia, rheumatism, epilepsy and sleep problems. Sycamore leaf also has antidepressant and pain reliever properties. Since sycamore leaf has the feature of raising blood pressure, it should be used with Rosehip plant to help blood pressure balance.



Drawing attention to obesity, Prof. Dr. Saraçoğlu said, “Unfortunately, a generation is growing up that struggles with diseases such as obesity and diabetes at a young age, with the increase in the consumption of ready-made additives and GMO products brought by the big city life. Remember, you are what you eat! Namely, the damage or negative effects of the foods you eat today affect your grandchild’s immune system after 2 generations. The subject that I have been trying to draw attention to and explain for years is the ancestral seed, the privilege of Anatolian lands. It is very important that our ancestors, Anatolian traditional eating habits and nutrition culture be brought back to our youth, and that ‘grains, vegetables, fruits, meat’ products produced with non-GMO, ancestral seeds are sustainable.”
